Lirik lagu Endah N Rhesa-Blue Day Liryc

Wibi Alwi Surya Kuncoro 19.36.00
Lirik lagu Endah N Rhesa-Blue Day Liryc-Pada kesempatan sebelumnya saya sudah menulis artikel yang berjulul Lirik lagu Endah N Rhesa - Before You Sleep dan pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share kembali lirik lagu Endah N Reza yang berjudul Blue Dayp. Berikut ini adalah lirik lagunya :

Lirik lagu Endah N Rhesa Blue Day

Monday, Was a blue day
Because he left me and kept some secret
i tried to find him, and followed the rainbow
i met his family and the story flowed
i dodn’t realize that he never tell lies
but hiding something, pain inside his heart
he stared at my eyes, and he let me know everything
i was so surprised, the news wasn’t so nice
how do i know the truth if you didn’t say so
i would understand if you trust and believe in me
how do i know the truth if you didn’t say so
but you have to know that my love would last forever
he’s laying in bed, i’ll never forget
he smiled and ask forgiveness without tears fell from his eyes
you’re the reasons i live you’re the reasons i die
i tried to survive until i met goodbye… goodbye…

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